We’ll strive to bring you an updated and less restricted version of my business radio programme that will bring you the top stories throughout the day, without having to wait for 6pm. 

More interviews, more in depth, more on demand.

Time to change the way you listen.

Back in 2016 Harvard Business School stated: “Podcasting is the only form of content that can be consumed while an individual is doing other activities”. I would contest that as I, only last night, watched a football match whilst sipping a beer. But I know what they mean.

Research published in December 2018 revealed that 44% of Americans have listened to a podcast, still behind the 58% of South Koreans who have listened to a podcast in the LAST MONTH. 49% are consumed at home, and 22% in a car. We are way behind in South Africa, but given our addiction to smartphones that is going to change, as since 2014 those listening to podcasts on a smartphone has rocketed 157%.

If you have the time between 5-7pm to listen to terrestrial business radio, and the luxury of waiting for the bit you really want to listen to, I envy you. Most of us have lives that mean we need to listen to content when it suits us; that’s why there are now 630,000 podcast shows worldwide. Make that 630,001.